IOTA Detailed: The Tangle-Based Distributed Ledger for IoT

IOTA Detailed: The Tangle-Based Distributed Ledger for IoT

What Is IOTA? IOTA is a distributed ledger designed to facilitate transactions between devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. The ledger uses IOTA, a cryptocurrency, to account for transactions in its network. IOTA’s key innovation is Tangle, a system of nodes used for confirming transactions. Tangle is claimed to be faster and more…

Frax 101: The Decentralized Stablecoins Protocol & Infrastructure

Frax 101: The Decentralized Stablecoins Protocol & Infrastructure

What Is Frax? Frax has developed a stablecoin protocol that combines asset collateralization and cryptography to create a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar. The decentralized stablecoin is designed to maintain a peg to the US dollar through asset backing and a mint/burn mechanism. Frax’s stablecoin protocol also includes the Frax Shares (FXS) governance and…

What Is Ondo Finance? The Go-To Protocol For Real World Assets (RWA)

What Is Ondo Finance? The Go-To Protocol For Real World Assets (RWA)

What Is Ondo Finance? Ondo Finance is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol that enables users to invest in a variety of DeFi products linked to real-world assets (RWA) and instruments. The protocol also offers a yield farming program that allows users to earn rewards by providing liquidity to the protocol. Ondo Finance is a promising…

The Full Guide to SatoshiVM Token: Bridging EVMs & Bitcoin

The Full Guide to SatoshiVM Token: Bridging EVMs & Bitcoin

What Is SatoshiVM? SatoshiVM is a Bitcoin ZK Rollup Layer2 that integrates BTC as gas and seamlessly links the EVM with Bitcoin. It’s a technology that aims to solve the scalability and transaction speed issues of Bitcoin while maintaining its security and decentralization. SatoshiVM has the potential to alter the crypto landscape by enabling the…

Dymension Airdrop Eligibility and DYM Token Explained

Dymension Airdrop Eligibility and DYM Token Explained

What Is Dymension? Dymension is a blockchain platform that utilizes rollup technology to enhance scalability and reduce transaction fees. It features a modular architecture that allows for the creation of specialized blockchains called RollApps, tailored to specific applications such as DeFi, gaming, or enterprise use cases. The native DYM token is expected to play a…

The Ethereum Cancun Upgrade: A Possible Solution for Ethereum’s Scalability Problem

The Ethereum Cancun Upgrade: A Possible Solution for Ethereum’s Scalability Problem

What Is The Ethereum Cancun Upgrade? The Ethereum blockchain is on the cusp of a significant upgrade known as Cancun-Deneb, set to take place in early 2024. This update is a major step in enhancing the network’s ability to scale, introducing new Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) that aim to reduce gas fees, bolster security, and…

EVM Equivalence and Blockchain Compatibility: The Ultimate Guide

EVM Equivalence and Blockchain Compatibility: The Ultimate Guide

What Is EVM Equivalence? EVM Equivalence is a technical term that refers to a Layer 2 scaling solution for the Ethereum network. A Layer 2 solution is a blockchain that runs on top of the main Ethereum blockchain, and EVM Equivalence allows these Layer 2 solutions to be compatible with the main Ethereum network. This…

A Comprehensive Guide To The Solana Saga Phone

A Comprehensive Guide To The Solana Saga Phone

What is the Solana Saga Phone? The Solana Saga phone, launched in 2023, is an Android-based mobile device designed specifically for Web3 applications and decentralized finance (DeFi) endeavors. It features a dedicated Solana wallet, enabling users to securely manage their digital assets, including tokens and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Additionally, the phone incorporates a secure enclave…