What is Fantasy Top? A Deep Dive

What is Fantasy Top?

Fantasy Top is a new consumer crypto SocialFi (social media networks and DeFi) platform that merges the concept of fantasy sports with the dynamic world of social media influencers. Built on the Blast network, an Ethereum layer-2 solution, Fantasy Top allows players to collect and trade NFT cards featuring prominent figures from Twitter, creating lineups to compete based on the real-world social media engagement of these influencers. The game currently features over 120 notable figures from the crypto community, including influencers, traders, and content creators, each represented as a “hero” in this engaging virtual space.

Key Takeaways

  • Fantasy Top innovates by incorporating social media influencers into a fantasy sports-like gaming experience
  • It is built on Blast, a Layer-2 Ethereum network
  • It facilitates a novel form of engagement for crypto enthusiasts and has garnered interest from the community, as seen by the platform’s user count and recent trading volumes

How Does Fantasy Top Work?

In Fantasy Top, players acquire NFT cards representing crypto influencers, such as traders, content creators, and project founders. These cards come in various rarity levels, with higher-level cards offering a points boost in competitions. Players can buy, sell, and trade these cards, as well as upgrade them by combining multiple copies of the same card.

An in-game Fantasy Top Screenshot

Key Features

  • Heroes & NFTs: Players own digital collectible cards, representing individuals from the Twitter world. These NFTs are created on Blast, an Ethereum Layer-2 network, and vary in rarity.
  • Upgrades & Multipliers: Collect multiple copies of the same NFT to upgrade its level. Higher levels translate to more significant score multipliers in the game.
  • Gameplay: Formulate a lineup of five NFTs, lock them in, and score points based on the real-world Twitter engagements of the chosen crypto personalities.
  • Strategic Depth: The game demands strategic thinking as players must decide which NFTs to acquire and determine the optimal combination of influencers that can lead to higher scores in competitions.

To participate, players must own at least five NFT cards to create a lineup. The scoring system is based on the actual Twitter engagement of the influencers in the lineups, adding a unique real-world element to the game. However, this reliance on real social media metrics and interaction has led to concerns about potential manipulation through automated botting.

How are the users rewarded and incentivized?

Fantasy Top rewards its users in two distinct ways, depending on which type of users they are.

Platform’s Rewards and Incentives
  • Normal platform users compete for prizes included in the prize pool (typically Ethereum and Blast Gold points). The inaugural major contest boasted a prize pool that included Ethereum worth more than $150,000 and Blast Gold points that could potentially exceed $2 million dollars worth of value. This is likely subject to change based on how the development team designs its prize pools.
  • Influencers are rewarded based on the activity that they generate on the platform (a portion of pack sales revenue, a percentage of marketplace transaction fees). Within just days of the game’s mainnet release, rewards distributed to these influencers amounted to a staggering sum of $1.25 million in Ethereum and an estimated $25,000 in Blast Gold points.

Players engage in a thoughtful blend of collection and competition, setting up their dream teams of crypto figures and aiming for the top in a uniquely digital environment.

How to participate in Fantasy Top?

To participate in any of the activities that the platform has to offer, obtaining NFT cards is essential. Players are required to acquire a minimum of five NFTs to assemble a team for contests. Currently, there is no alternative to engage in the game without owning these digital assets.

NFT Acquisition:

  • Packs: Available for purchase with prices varying according to market demand, typically around 0.4 ETH.
  • Marketplace: Individual cards can be bought via the game’s own marketplace.

Once a player has their NFTs, they can proceed to the website to arrange their lineup and compete. Performance in the game is tracked, and leaderboards reflect real-time success which then influences the rewards distributed at the conclusion of each event.

What is the future of Fantasy Top?

Since its launch, the platform has generated millions of dollars in trading volume on the Blast network, accounting for a substantial portion of the total trading volume on the Ethereum mainnet. The game has attracted over 31,000 users in its first week, showcasing its popularity within the crypto community.

Looking ahead, Fantasy Top plans to introduce additional features, such as the ability for influencers to share their earned rewards with players who own their in-game cards, potentially adding a SocialFi component to the game and many other features that will fine-tune the experience on the platform.

Upcoming Enhancements

  • Introduction of additional in-game characters
  • Refined scoring mechanisms
  • An assortment of new minor contests

Challenges to Address

  • The game’s reliance on social media interaction has led to attempts of scoring manipulation via automated botting
  • Concerns over such manipulations have resulted in the early conclusion of its inaugural major contest

The developers are focused on perfecting the game’s structure, ensuring fair competition, and maintaining the integrity of player rankings. They aim to transform the initial excitement around the game into a long-lasting and credible digital gaming experience. As they continue to innovate, addressing the threat of unfair play remains crucial for the sustained interest and trust of the gaming community.


The platform has successfully captured the attention of the crypto community by offering an innovative gaming experience that combines NFT trading cards with the real-world social media engagement of crypto influencers. The platform’s ability to generate significant trading volume and attract a large user base demonstrates its potential to become a major player in the crypto gaming space. As Fantasy Top continues to evolve and address challenges, such as potential manipulation of social media engagement, it will be interesting to observe how the game maintains its momentum and depth beyond its initial novelty and incentives.

Seasoned crypto, DeFi, NFT and overall web3 content writer with 9+ years of experience. Published in Forbes, Entrepreneur, VentureBeat, IBTimes, CoinTelegraph and Hackernoon.

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